Sunday, January 27, 2013

Waiting game

Well, we continue to make progress but I have found that we are truly in a waiting game and we are not in charge!  She is weighing in at 4 lb 13 oz today.  She has been on a steady weight gain while gaining too much some days ( I will explain that).  She had gotten up to 40 ML a feeding but has been cut back to 38 ML a feeding recently.  She continues to take bottles when she is awake.  They were only giving her 2 in 24 hours but now she can try and take one every time she is awake for care times.  So today since 7am she has taken 3 bottles as of 5:30 this afternoon.  I am getting better at feeding them to her.

Some days recently she has gained 3-4 ounces in a day.  They did a chest xray Monday and she showed some fluid in her right lung.  They did 3 days of breathing treatments and repeated the chest xray on Wednesday and it looked much better.  The fluid makes it hard for her to breath limiting the bottle intake and requiring her to continue to need oxygen.  She still looks puffy so that is why they lowered her ML on feedings.  They were worried that she was getting fluid overload.

I always assumed her weight would be the thing that kept us there.  No, no, no...getting her off oxygen and taking all of her bottles will be what keeps us there.  Yes, she can come home on oxygen but I get the feeling they expect her to not need that.  So we are attempting to be patient ;) and remember that it will all come together in God's perfect timing.  After all, he has gotten us this far and look how well we are doing!  We are so close and I find myself imagining what it will be like to sit at home at night, watching t.v., and holding her.  Kissing her forehead while I rock her to sleep...those moments I know I would have taken for granted had we not been through this.

I sometimes feel guilty being back at work while she is over there.  I have to keep telling myself this is so I can be home with her when she comes home...I must tell myself that 100 times a day.  She will open her eyes when I talk to her now and that makes me think she recognizes my voice...even though I am not there as often as I would like, maybe she still knows who I am.

Thank you all for continued prayers! We love each and every one of yall!

This is her new room

Another view of her room

They all have these boards to communicate what she has going on

Look at those chubby cheeks
{Don't know where she gets the chin dimple}


She likes her new bed

Snuggling this weekend

Sunday, January 20, 2013


Pictures as promised! And, we are up to 4 lb 4 oz today!!

Rob's mom, Zan, holding her for the first time.

Rob and his mom with AM

She loved her Zan time

My mom, Nana, getting some holding time in

So content...

Both of her grandmothers holding together for first time

Family picture

Can't wait to get this little baby home!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Getting closer!!

We have had a very big week in the NICU! Much to be thankful for and to report. We continue to be amazed at what God is capable and has done in the life of Ann Martin McKenzie. She is a true testament of Gods power and mercy.

Listen up y'all, this girl is officially weighing in at 4 lb 3 oz!! We have jumped another hurdle. I think she is saying she is ready to come home and we are too!

She has been regulating her temperature well with no problems. So...yesterday she was moved to a crib and her OWN room! So exciting for us! We feel this is one step closer to her being in her crib at home. I talked with her nurse this morning and she is loving her new room.

Robs mom got to come over this past Wednesday for the first time since she was born. She has changed quite a but since then. She really enjoyed seeing her and holding her for a bit. My mom came with her and also got to hold her. They loved spending time with her and are ready for her to be home to spoil rotten!

I have lots of pictures that I will post when I get to the computer! Love to all and thank you for continued prayers!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Quick update

I wanted to update y'all on her progress...

She is weighing in at 3 lb 11 oz! We are 5 ounces away from our own crib and our own room, hopefully 😁😲!

She gets her hematocrit checked in the morning so please say a prayer we have increased that! She continues to require the oxygen because hemo is too low.

Other than that we are pretty uneventful. Ill post soon with more updates!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Big things!

We are accomplishing big things these days.  We are proud parents of a beautiful, sweet baby girl!

Today she is 3 lb 8oz.  Her feedings have gone up to 30 ML/3 hours.  She still is fed over thirty minutes though.  We got to Jackson in time today to feed her a bottle.  Rob did most of the feeding and they were regular pros (after nurse P showed proper techniques)  Premmies have a 'reflex' you could call it to hold their tongue on the roof of their mouth.  They can't suck when this happens.  You have to time sticking the bottle in their mouths at the same time.  We are getting the hang of it...and she took her whole bottle.  Next to master is burping :).

She went for some of the day without oxygen.  When she is on oxygen, it is just 10 ML.  Nurse B says it's a 'whiff' of oxygen so we are ok with this.  Still this is caused by her hemotocrit being so low.  Once that comes up, we are told the oxygen will be a thing of the past.

We got to do her bath tonight.  We took a little longer than usual because the stickers on her face needed changing.  Boy did she let us know we were taking too long and messing with her TOO much!  So we quickly swaddled her, put paci in, and closed her up for the night.

She really is doing astounding things and amazing the staff!  God is so good, all the time!
We love yall and really appreciate your continued prayers!

Wednesday before I fed her

We were still getting the hang of things here

Tonight- quality snuggle time

Couldn't you just pinch those cheeks??
Many forehead kisses happened here :)

supper time!

After her bath tonight.  We think she is starting to follow sounds...
could be coincidental 

I'm going to call that a smile!  Love her new outfit Mrs. Shelley!

Family photo

Yum! Could just eat her with a spoon she's so sweet!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Fingers crossed!

This girl continues to amaze. I am sorry for delay in posts lately! MY fingers are crossed that we will have a little lady in our house by valentines day. #fingerscrossed

Ann Martin is now weighing in at 3 lbs 5 oz!! Almost 2 lbs from her birth weight. She has started taking her bottle a lot better! Her first bottle she took 4ml. Second 2 ml. Third 28 ml over 25 minutes. Fourth 28 ml over 16 minutes!! They want her to eat in thirty minutes or less. She gets 1-2 bottles in 24 hours. When she is fed through the tube the other feedings, they shortened the time to 30 minutes to stretch her stomach to prepare her for oral feedings. I am ready to feed her!

She has been on and off of her oxygen over the last few days. Right now she is on 10 ml or oxygen. They tell me it is basically a poof of air. It's the lowest setting she can be on. Her hematocrit is really low and that affects her breathing. Usually they would give her a transfusion but they haven't for two reasons. Her retic (sp?) is high which means she is making red blood cells just not fast. Since she is making them, you don't want to tell her brain she doesn't need to continue make by giving her blood. Follow? I'm not good at explaining this stuff.

We are going to see her tomorrow night. So. Excited! I hope to be able to feed her but it all depends on whether she feels like eating. I will have pictures for you after tomorrow. A big thank you to all who celebrated Ann Martin this past Sunday and showered her with beautiful gifts and love! She is a lucky lady! I continue to be amazed at the outpouring of love, prayers and support of our little miracle. God is so good! Love you all!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Daddy and Ann Martin time

Here are the pictures we promised!  We are working on the nursery tonight and getting prepared for her first shower tomorrow!  The only thing I could be more excited about would be bringing her home!

Daddy had not seen her in a while...she has gotten big!

Daddy was the first of us to give her a bottle.
It was her second bottle ever.

Talking about taking the bottle

Much, much needed snuggle time

These two are my absolute world.
Love them so much!

Daddy found the softest outfit we brought

Trying to drink the bottle.
It's fuzzy because of movement to entice her to suck

Friday, January 4, 2013

Oxygen....we don't need that!

That's right she is OFF THE OXYGEN! When we got there today we noticed her prongs were out of her nose. When we asked the nurse if she had done this she replied "nope but since she's doing so good we will just leave them out"! She stated off the oxygen until we got back from dinner but they had to put her back on so I (RMM) could give her a bottle! This was her second time to bottle feed and i was fortunate enough to be able to give it. Her weight is holding steady at 3.1, but she is really filling out. There will be pictures tomorrow night, but we didn't bring the computer with us so we are posting from the phone. People are starting to say she looks like me and I noticed she has the beginnings of a second chin so the resemblance might be even more prevalent in the next set of pictures! Well until next time love to all and STAY IN IT!


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Sorry for the absense

I am very sorry I have not blogged in while.  Going back to work has left me tired in the evenings.  We are going to see her tomorrow so I will have pictures this weekend.  I am sick and don't think I will be able to hold her but hopefully Rob will be feeling ok.  The sinus crud really needs to move on out!

You all will be ready to see pictures of her because she is 3 LB 1 OZ!!!  We have jumped another pound hurdle!  I know she must look different with the weight gain and I can't wait to see her!

Today her nurse has taken her down to 1/2 L pressure and 21% oxygen.  This puts us well on our way to coming off of it all together soon HOPEFULLY!

She had an echo on the 21st that did show a PFO Patent Foreamen Ovale (spelling?)  It is a hole between two chambers.  That's about all I can tell it if you want to know more.  They promise us not to be worried about it.  They say it shouldn't require surgery to close.  Apparently all infants have it but full term babies are much more likely to close on their own.  It's common in premmies.

That is about all I have for now.  She really is doing great!  Hope you all have a great weekend!  I am going to sleep...#myheadisswimming