I will apologize in advance for not having pictures this post. It will be short, to update you all, and provide a little info for mommies to be.
Ann Martin is doing great! They have had to increase her to 2 liters and have not tried yet to wean her down. She gets any where from 21%-30% O2. (When her oxygen levels, O2sats, get too high they have to turn her oxygen down. All day is trying to find her happy medium. If her sats get too high it could damage her eyes. That's why they mess with it all day) She is up to a whopping 1 lb 14 oz. Can I get an AMEN. We are 2 oz. from 2 pounds!!! So excited about this. She had to get another transfusion one day last week and after that day we were unable to do her bath on Friday night. She was tired and her mama was not feeling well. (Will get to that in a minute) I have been in Jackson until today and I stopped by to tell her by. She is changing daily I think. She was wide-eyed and stared at me the whole time. Love those moments! Her 30 day head ultrasound is on Thursday. Please PRAY PRAY PRAY. We have faith everything will be ok.
Ok, mommies to be. I was never told about this. I'm told it is not that common but is also kinda common... :/ On Friday, Rob and I ate lunch and went to the Science Museum between pump breaks. He had the day off and anyone who knows him knows his love for science. We were walking on the nature trail and I started having violent, violent stomach pains that shot through to my back. The pain was right on my under bra line and went through to my shoulder blades. I have had these attacks before, horribly painful, but they subsided after about an hour. This one was not going way. After about 30 minutes we headed to Baptist ER. I was really trying to not have to do that. The ER was WAY to crowded and had WAY to many germs (germs=sickness which =I can't see my baby) so I left. We went up to NICU for Rob to hold her and I slept in a recliner. Pain kinda went away. So we went home and later went to sisters to eat dinner. This girl didn't eat anything but instead had a heating pad on my back. Pain was coming back. Fast way forward. 2 Am..I can't sleep, can't get comfortable, medicine is not doing anything. Called my mom, she said to go ER. Fast forward..vommiting hit. It didn't take any pain away. We went to ER. We didn't go to Baptist because I was worried about crowd. We went to the closest one I could find. MISTAKE. They were no Baptist. I was diagnosed with pancreatitis caused by gallstones. My pancreatic enzymes were 23,000..norm high is 399. Fast forward..That is Saturday morning 3 am and we left the hospital this afternoon headed back to Meridian. I go to see surgeon tomorrow and get this gallbladder out ASAP. I still am so sore from the pain but big improvement from saturday morning. Lesson here...Preg mommies watch for it. Probably won't happen to you but it could. You aren't crazy.
Ok, time to pump. I hope to have pictures next time but it will be a little while before I see her again. Tear.. Please pray for the head ultrasound!! Love you all!
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