We came back to Jackson this afternoon. We stopped in the hospital on our way into town for her 5:30 care time. We each had to change a diaper--go Ann Martin-- take her temperature and ooo ahh over her a little bit. She had dry legs so her momma gave her a little massage with lotion too. Rob is getting more comfortable holding her. He held her in the oscillate tonight for a second. Her nurse is going to help him get more comfortable holding her tomorrow. We love our nurses! Her nurses love her too! There are a couple of them who claim stake to her and say "you make sure I get her back after you get her"...This makes us feel so good. She is loved up there and it makes not being with her every day a little easier.
She gained 10 grams this morning making her 1lb 7oz. They did increase the fortifier today too so hopefully she will start to gain and not lose so much. It's normal to go up and down like this but we like gains :). She has grown and inch and is now 12.6 inches! She continues to tolerate her feedings well and is on 25% oxygen and 1 L pressure.
I am starting to get in the mood to work on the nursery. It has taken me a couple weeks to play catch up. We obviously were not in any way nursery ready when she was born. Don't get me wrong, we have the necessities and could bring her home tomorrow to it but we will try and make it pretty for her now. We have a bed, light fixture, changing table (antique store find--has to be painted), chest of drawers (same store, has to be painted), rug, and paint. Maybe we will get it rolling in the next few weeks. I have a few pictures for a sneek peak if anyone's interested as well as some pictures from today at the hospital.
I also finally cut my hair today. I have been growing it out, taking advantage of the prenatal vitamins, with plans to donate to pantene beautiful lengths. They make wigs for cancer patients. I have a picture of me with my ponytail. Don't judge no make-up. Haven't really been wearing it and don't wear it around AM.
Rob holding AM The white thing hanging out of his shirt is her Snoodle with our scent on it. We have to re-scent it every so often. |
Loves to be held, sometimes :) |
Rug |
Bed |
I'm going to paint these and frame them maybe |
Light fixture |
All 8 inches of my ponytail |
So glad she is progressing. Love your haircut and the nursery items. Continuing to pray.