Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The long road and a Mothers Selfless Love

Disclaimer-I'm not a great speller ,although Mrs. Cowan and Mrs Powell Tried, and my spell check is out. Use your imagination if you can not figure out a word

I have never been one to publicly voice my feelings. Only those closest to me know what I am truely feeling and thinking, but under these recent circumstances I feel it is my only choice. I will start by saying The Baby Girl has arrived!!! All 1 pound 7 ounces 11.5 inches of her. There is no question in my mind Ann Martin is a fighter. She has over come so my things to get to where she is today and the most recent reports we have gotten from the Doctor are good. She is on 21% oxygen which is very good. We are in the "Honeymoon Phase" right now and this could all change in teh days ahead, but we have seen her a couple of times tonight and were actually able to touch her during the previous visit!

Moving On.....
We have been so so blessed over the last couple of weeks with all of the prayers and well wishes. It is very flattering and an honor to call you all friends and family. You will never know how much this has and continues to mean to us. I posted the first facebook post a couple weeks back and the very first post was an old friend of mine that I honestly have not seen in close to 10 years. Just to know that you are all there for us is pure comfort. A special thanks to our church family at Central Methodist for both of teh prayer shawls. They have been at the head and the foot of her bed throughout the entire process. Peggy Turner also gave us one that has been right beside them the whole time. I have been flooded with text messages and email from Bosses, Clients, Coworkers, and friends all day (I have had to charge my phone 3 times). From the bottom of our hearts Thank you all so very much.

To my main point-
The things we encounter in life make us who we are. Life is full of paths and it is up to you to choose the path God has laid out for you or to choose your own. I have done both, but it was when I meet Elizabeth ,on a blind date of all things, where I finally started seeing the writing on the wall. OUr relationship was a challenge from the start. She was in one place and I was in another both literally and figuratively. She refused to give up on me although many times I felt she was gone. I finally wised up and chose to follow what I see in hindsight as the only path for me. She has made me a better person than I ever though possible and the happenings of the last 4 months have shown me what she is really made of. I give her a hard time nearly everyday about being what I call a "tenderfoot". I did admit to her yesterday that I can no longer claim that. She has selflessly put her needs and wants on the back burner and has done anything and everything to keep Ann Martin healthy. Her back has been against the wall since the 10th week of this pregnancy. Watching her over the last two weeks lie flat of her back for the most part only getting up for the restroom and having four walls close in on her, but refusing to give in to her own wants is the real lesson here. As a daddy, I will always love any child I am blessed with, but I do not think I will ever be able to equal that level of love. It is with great honor I call her my wife and I hope to one day be half as strong as she is.

Ironically in closing the song on Pandora is "God Gave me You" by Blake Shelton and the line in the song that really gets me everytime I hear it is "There's more here than what we're seeing, a Divine Conspiricy". No question in my mind that is what we have.

Till Next Time-RMM


  1. I am proud to call you son (in law). I have all the confidence in the lord you will make great parents and that Ann Martin will grow up to be a fine lady like her mother.

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