This morning started out like any other morning. Breakfast, good morning America, live with Kelly and Michael, the view...accompanied by monitoring. My nurse came in during because baby was having d-cel. She is supposed to stick around 150-155 with 10x10 a and d cels. Meaning she should go up to 165-170 max and down to 135-140. She was stuck around 60-65 this morning. She had me turn side to side to bring her back up. Couldn't do it. She called for help. Of course this immediately alarmed me. The doctor was the help that arrived first followed by two more nurses. The doc checked me and I wasn't dilated. They are continuing to try and find a steady heartbeat but they started to pick mine up instead. Then doc says we are delivering. (Initiate hysterical here). They put me on oxygen and anesthesia comes in to start IV. I'm praying at this point for Gods will to be done as I have been this whole time. After what seemed like a century, really five minutes, (longest of my life) her heart rate came up. Doctor said we could hold off on delivery but I would be on monitor until they could get me in to see my special doctor. He was able to fit me in at noon. He said that the cord flow, placenta looks great and baby is still squirming. He said to just keep doing what we are doing and keep me pregnant as long as possible. The d-cels are to be expected with no fluid around the baby. This is because she is more likely to roll onto the cord or grab it with her hand. It's something that I have no control over and it's important to simply give it to God.
I was put back on the monitor this afternoon for most of afternoon. While she had d-cels, they were not quite as long as this morning. I think the longest one was 1 min 20 sec.
I have tried not to worry too much but that's real hard. I hope to get some sleep tonight and have a better day tomorrow. This day turned out to be just fine, she just wanted to remind people she was still here :). We will be 26 weeks Wednesday...this is my short term goal right now!
Please keep us in your prayers. We know the prayers have gotten us to where we are today and we are so thankful! It has almost been three weeks and we are so grateful for these extra few weeks for her growth and development. I am about to go back on monitor. Hoping and prayer for her to behave and to get a good nights sleep.
Love, Elizabeth
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