Saturday, November 10, 2012

What happened...

To give a brief overview of what happened...
Monday, October 21, I was put on bedrest because of something else that wasn't right- I will spare details. On Monday she also sent me to hospital to get ultrasound because I was visibly very upset by what was going on.  My fluid measured at 13.  I continued on bedrest till Thursday when I went in to work that afternoon and just did some paperwork..sat at my treating patients.  To the suggestion of my co-workers, Jill and Becky, I called to see if my doctor could fit me in.  They could so I went over.  Her U/S tech measured me and she got my fluid at 7.  Since if was such a vast difference she sent me back to hospital for same guy to measure again.  He got 12 so she sent me home.  I continued on bedrest.  That night around 10:00 I was laying on the couch and I felt a gush of fluid.  Went to bathroom and it didnt do it again.  I laid back down and called my mom who called my doctor.  She said to meet her at the hospital.  When I stood up, it happened again only this time I knew it was my water breaking...I was in a terrified, melt down, panic at this point.  I frantically got dressed and Rob rushed us to L and D.  They hooked me up and my doctor came up to check me out.  Long story short, she told me it would be bedrest until delivery, and neonatologist would come see me the next day.  He did come that morning and told me that they don't have the ability to care for infants younger than 26 weeks and I was 23 and 1 day. He recommended a t/f to UMC.  So that afternoon I was taken to Jackson.  That experience was not a good one.  I was sent there for the care of myself but more so my baby, not for compassionate workers but they did lack in that dept.  Basically, after monitoring on L and D for 12 hours I was sent to ante pardem and then sent to a MFM on Saturday morning.  He pretty much told us the baby had no chance and sent us home.
My mom took the u/s report to my doctor and she asked to call the MFM I had seen in Jackson.  My mom waited and he said he would like me to come to Baptist and him be consulted.  When my mom told us this we talked and quickly decided to do it.  Tuesday morning we headed over to Baptist.  He told us that afternoon he was going to monitor me closely, see me once a week, and would keep me here until I deliver.  Once I hit 26 weeks, God willing, I will see him twice a week.  We have three days to go until 26 weeks!!

I have tried this blog thing before and was not good at it.  Since I have nothing to do I will try to keep it updated..Thank you to all of the pray warriors we have out there! Keep them coming!

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